Install libraries for geospatial applications in Ubuntu
Jul 11, 2022
This instruction shows how to set up a Python (conda) environment on Ubuntu with gdal, rasterio, geopandas and other essential geospatial libraries.
Creating a new virtual environment:
conda create — name geos
Activating existing environment:
conda activate geos
Update and install the latest conda version:
conda update -n base conda
Add/give the highest priority to the “conda-forge” channel and update all Python standard library packages to the newest version:
conda config — add channels conda-forge
conda update — all
Installing GDAL
conda install gdal
Installing Rasterio
conda install rasterio
Installing other packages
conda install numpy pandas geopandas scikit-learn jupyterlab matplotlib seaborn xarray rasterstats tqdm pytest sqlalchemy scikit-image scipy pysal beautifulsoup4 boto3 cython statsmodels future graphviz pylint mlxtend line_profiler nodejs sphinx nbsphinx
If you have any feedback or encounter problems using these instructions please leave a comment.